If you are someone like me who runs lots of blogs and wish to create different twitter accounts for your several blogs, then you must have found yourself in this situation. When you try registering an account on twitter with a previously used email address, you get an error message saying that the email is already in use by another account.
In this tutorial, I’ll guide you through how you can beat that and register multiple twitter accounts using same email address.
Note: This trick only works for gmail Email Accounts.
Method 1: Making Use Of Periods (.)
One thing about gmail is that they do not take periods (.) to be of any importance in email addresses. For instance, if you created a gmail email account as john@gmail.com , sending and email to jo.hn@gmail.com or joh.n@gmail.com or j.ohn@gmail.com will still land into your email address inbox. Now you can take this to your advantage in creating multiple twitter accounts.
All you have to do to achieve this is making different alterations of your gmail email account using the period trick and use them in creating the various twitter account you wish. Isn’t that fun? If you don’t want to use this, don’t worry there is another trick for you.
Method 2: Using the GoogleMail Extension
Google also owns the googlmail.com extension meaning, using the john@gmail.com , you can also send an email to john@googlemail.com and it would also land into the same email inbox.
This is another work around to creating multiple accounts on websites that allow only one registration per email address.
I hope you love this article and have learnt how to create multiple twitter accounts using the same email address.
Note: This trick can also be used in creating other accounts apart from twitter on websites that do not accept one email address for multiple accounts. I hope this helps.
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