Glo BB Absolute now beats Glo Comonth on Android and Blackberry devices

Without much doubt, Glo network rocks real good in almost all location coupled with their unique
Blackberry plan working on Android device. No more fear of data zapping, or cheapest data plan for Android even though the much adored Airtel 4gb plan for 1,500 has been stopped.

I’m going to share a secret with you all today and I’m pretty sure those using Glo on Blackberry will appreciate it and some Android users using Glo network. Glo BB Plan comes in two fold (the one I make use of ) Comonth and Absolute for #1000 and #1,500 respectively. 

Differences Between Glo Comonth And Blackberry Absolute

==>Glo Comonth  allow you to have 1 web based registered email address attached to your device, while BBA allow you to have 10 registered web based email to your device.
==>BBA Plan comes with  Blackberry Protect  to back up all your contact, BBM messages etc on your device; while Comonth doesn’t have these features.
==>Data charge on Glo Comonth is slightly higher than BBA but thesame 3gb data cap is allocated to both.

So if you have more than or want to configure more than one email address on your Blackberry or Android device, need Blackberry Protect, then this post is for you.

I’m sure you are aware you can top it up but I’ll show you how you can use Glo 1k and still have access to #1,500 (BBA) features.

How Can I Use Glo Comonth( #1000) & Enjoy BBA (#1,500) Features?

==>Recharge your line with 1,500 and activate Blackberry Absolute plan by dialing *777*23#
==>3Gb will be given to you which you can use on your Android or blackberry to expire in 30days…
==>Activate the number of web based email address you want to add to your device, blackberry protect etc  use it and exhaust the 3GB before the expiration of 30days (make sure you finish the whole MB before 30days expire)
==>Then activate Glo comonth plan the moment you exhaust your 3GB by dialing *777*21#
==>#1,000 will be deducted from your account and Comonth plan will be activated for you. While other features of your former Blackberry Absolute features remain active.

Note: This plan both works on all Blackberry 10 devices

You can then top up your data  to extend your data expiration duration while you keep on flexing the #1,500 plan for #1k. I’ve been using these features for a very long time and I felt I should share it out.
So why pay #1,500 for Blackberry Absolute when you can enjoy its features for just #1,000… The ball is in your court.

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