Link Building, what is it all about?

In my first post I said I had learnt a lot about link building, so obviously, my first main SEO topic would be about Link Building then. So here it goes.

Link building is all about building links to your website for more awareness. It is sort of like a Marketplace trying to have as many routes to it as possible. The more routes you have to your website the more traffic you get(or maybe I should say "supposed to"). On the Internet, there are these tiny little bots or crawlers which go all over the place sniffing around for fresh meat (or in this case fresh content). Some popular ones are called Googlebot (that's right, from the famous Google Search Engine), MSNbot (From Bing Search Engine, previously known as MSN Search) and Yahoo Slurp (From Yahoo). These bots are usually one of the first to find new content and websites thus helping the website or page to get indexed for future search.

The best way to be found on the Internet is by building links from established sites, which have already been 'found', to these new sites and pages. The more links you have to your website, the faster your website is indexed and added to search engines. More links also means that a web page stands a better chance of being found by search engine users. That being said, there is actually a downside to having too many links linking to your site, especially when it is a new website, that discussion is for another post though.

In other words, we could think of Link building as a type of Marketing strategy. When you have a new product on the market, you want to promote it, make people be aware of it. Link building follows the same principle, although not quite the same strategy. Obviously, this makes link building a very important factor when it coming to Search Engine Optimisation. There are lots of other types of SEO strategies available and some of the them include:

• Directory and Paid Submission
• Content writing and Linkbaiting
• Article Submission
• Social Media and Bookmarking
• Video Optimisation
• Forum and Blog posting

I will be touching on these strategies as I go along. In the mean time, if you there's anything I missed out or any other strategy for link building, please drop a comment or two.


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